Digital EU and YOU - What a smart school could look like

Tipologia dell'ente/Kind of organization: 
scuola pubblica
Nome dell'ente che lo ha realizzato/Organization-institute presenting the project: 
Istituto Comprensivo TE1 "Zippilli-Noè Lucidi"
Paese/ Country: 
Descrizione del progetto/Describe the project : 
This project involved students from Primary and Secondary Schools from Italy, Germany, Spain, Romania, Turkey and Ireland. It is an eTwinning project developed during the lockdown in 2020/2021 school year. It aims at comparing the way students and teachers make use of digital media in their classroom and at home. What has changed due to the corona crisis, how do students experience the new way of teaching and learning, what are the teachers' experiences? What are the chances and challenges of the digitalisation at school? Students will start presenting their status quo and will then develop the school of the future. In mixed teams (supervised by international teachers) students worked at the eMagazine, collecting the main ideas and thoughts about the school of the future. Login : username: global.junior.challenge password: eTwinning2021
Link al video di presentazione/Link to the presentation video:
Categoria del progetto/Project category : 
Educazione fino a 10 anni/Up to 10 years
Uso delle tecnologie / Use of technologies: 
Technology has given an added value to the project, because it has encouraged communication and collaboration among the partner schools, especially in remote learning. Padlet, TwinBoard, Google doc and the TwinSpace tools were used to build the plan, share, exchange ideas, make suggestions, meet, co-create products (e.g. eMagazine, which collects students' reflections in international teams supervised by a teacher), monitor and evaluate the project. eMail, Whatsapp group and Projetc Diary contributed to the management, monitoring and completion of the activities. The inclusion of external tools, chosen by the teachers (Google doc, Magmadz, My Adevent Calendar) and, some, suggested by the students (Padlet) have guaranteed a certain autonomy in their use, even for the creation of the same common product (Logo , eMagazine). The students discovered new tools and, through the instructions contained in the pages, they were facilitated to develop activities even at a distance, in sudden periods of lockdown. For a simple use by everyone, the pages have been named and numbered according to the shared activities and all report the explanation of the content and instructions and processes for the individual tasks, as well as the deadline, in order to facilitate interaction. . The subpages contain the products. The teacher bulletin was used to exchange information on project management while the Journal was used to reconstruct the main phases and activities. The subject of data protection and copyright is an integral part of the project and better explained with the Safer Internet Day and on the relative page. In common agreement, some pages have been made public, not containing images of minors or sensitive data. The photos used are original (created by pupils) or licensed under a Creative Commons license. The videos are produced by the pupils.
Indicare gli elementi di innovazione del progetto / What are the innovative aspects of the project?: 
-PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY The pupils worked in small groups: 1. within their own class they divided tasks and responsibilities to proceed with the implementation of the activities, according to the work plan prepared on the TwinSpace (e.g. some pupils participated in the creation of the logo, others prepared some Christmas cards, some pupils took presentation videos, ...); this allowed a better organization of the activities, and the achievement of the objectives, especially during the lockdown; the individual work ensured the deepening, monitoring and completion of the products; each pupil had a password and username to facilitate the use of the TwinSpace and to allow an active contribution by everyone; 2. of mixed nationality, necessary in the actions of research, implementation of outcomes (eMagazine), discussion to outline the school of the future. Pupils were encouraged to be creative and original in the choice of tools, apps, logo layout, creation of the presentation video with their own devices, of Christmas cards, Fake News to share with partners in the Safer Internet Day. The activities are varied, as demonstrated by the different methods used (CLIL, GBL, PBL, TBL, Cooperative Learning, peer tutoring), also with a view to being able to offer each student the opportunity to participate: breaking ice activities ( "Getting to know each other"; Making a video on "10 facts about me and the use of digital media"), reflections on a conscious use of the Internet (Safer Internet Day TwinBoard and forum), discussions and solutions (eg Google doc , discussion in the forum about results and reflection of the questionnaire about our use of social media Digital Footprint- Answers safety and netiquette (online behavior) images of their digital footprints and the results - what do students use most? "The School of the Future" ...) - INTEGRATION IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM The integration in the school official documents and in the school curriculum, through the UDA (learning unit) on Active Citizenship, has allowed the multidisciplinary development of the activities, which have also found continuity during the remote learning. Digital and its implications in everyday life, reflections on the use of pupils are topics addressed transversally and with a multidisciplinary approach: Technology, Italian and foreign languages, Art were the most involved subjects. Transversal skills overlap with disciplinary ones: 1. functional alphabetic communication, using oral and written communication to collaborate; 2. basic skills in mathematics: investigating and explaining the phenomena of the world around us, using tools to understand the trend of digital phenomena (eg. Use of social media); 3. learn to learn, organizing one's own learning both individually and in groups with the awareness of learning methods and techniques; introducing study topics in a clear and coherent way with specific language; 4. spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship, taking on and completing tasks and knowing how to translate ideas into actions; 5. digital competence, using new technologies to carry out tasks, acquire information, discuss, confront and share ideas (Google doc, Canva, TwinBoard forum, Padlet) and create innovative and creative products; managing data, information and digital content 6. multilingual communication, being able to read simple communications relating to contexts of experience, collaborating and communicating in international teams; 7. social and civic skills, knowing how to interact in the group by understanding the different points of view, giving one's own contribution, managing conflicts; 8. citizenship competence, acting as responsible citizens, based on an understanding of the benefits and critical issues of digital. -COLLABORATION BETWEEN PARTNER SCHOOLS Collaboration among teachers, among pupils and teachers and among pupils has been really important, especially in a current European context so difficult due to Covid. There are several activities: work plan, shared with partners through email exchanges and on the WhatsApp group (documented in Materials, in the TwinSpace), and with the students, prepared at the start of the project in the form of individual pages and sub-pages, so that everyone had a global vision of the path and was able, from time to time, to monitor the process; meetings on email, WhatsApp group; TwinSpace Bulletin, Forum and Diary to prepare the activities, update the plan and prepare evaluation forms; to divide tasks and responsibilities (e.g. the Irish colleague took care of the preparation of the evaluation questionnaire, the German founder coordinated the project and management of the TwinSpace, the Italian teacher of the eMagazine and the collection of students' reflections on the school of the future ). The TwinSpace tools were effective in collaboration, they allowed the sharing of resources (Safer Internet Day, My Advent Calendar, ...), the choice of the logo (TwinBoard and Poll), the exchange of reflections and the comparison about common topics (forum), about the results achieved with related to the project (evaluation questionnaire). The plan has undergone changes from time to time regarding the deadlines: due to the sudden closures, the partners updated and revised the dates of conclusion of the activities. The pupils collaborated in the activities in synchronous mode, during the video lessons in remote learning, by sharing the TwinSpace (eg in the choice of the logo, in the identification of the teams they belong to); in mixed groups they discussed the use of social networks and devices, exchanged experiences, hopes, concerns, collected ideas through the forum, Google doc to outline the school of the future.
Con quanti utenti interagisce il progetto?/How many users does the project interact with? : 
121 students and 7 teachers
Di quali mezzi o canali si avvale il progetto?/Which media or channels does the project use?: 
Despite the various and sudden closures during the school year, the activities have been completed and the objectives achieved. The essentialization of the plan was fundamental: it allowed not only the realization of the products envisaged by the project but also the development of the subject activities, provided for in the learning unit. The evaluation involved the use of an online questionnaire for pupils, which revealed the degree of involvement and the impact of the activities on their skills. The interventions in the different teams, the discussions in the forum have shown excellent results in terms of language and soft skills. The project was presented at the regional eTwinning training events, to the teachers of the Institute during the final teaching board, to the students of the Faculty of Primary Education who, through a prepared form, analyzed some characteristics (methodology, technology, motivation and impact on pupils) and has been uploaded to the homepage of the school website, by clicking on the eTwinning icon and on the school's European website. During the Erasmus Days in October it was presented online to teachers of local schools as part of a training event on Erasmus Projects, with the participation of Prof. Dario Ianes and USR Abruzzo. The project partners analyzed the results of the questionnaire and shared reflections on the sustainability of the same, within the dedicated page on the TwinSpace.
Il progetto è già stato replicato? /Has the project already been replicated? : 
Not yet
Quali sono le aspettative future?/What are future expectations?: 
To disseminate the project activities and results in a European conference about technology and its use at school; to start a new project with the same partnership; to apply for the National Quality Label.
Durata progetto/project duration: 
1 year
Risultati ottenuti/Results: 
The students have gained an intercultural competence by interacting with students from other European countries, using English as a lingua franca and hence they have improved their language skills. They have also investigated how the digitalisation process has changed their life, both at home and at school and they have thought over the way a future school may look like. What are the chances and challenges of the digital learning process. The students have also impove their ICT skills by using different kinds of tools and presentation techniques. Outcomes: My advent calendar The time machine Our digital footprint #TheInternetWeTrust:Safer Internet Day-how to create Fake News The school of the future - international group work eMagazine: Special Issue
Cognome del coordinatore del progetto/project coordinator surname : 
Nome del coordinatore del progetto/project coordinator name : 
Il Progetto ha contribuito ad affrontare la pandemia da Covid-19? / Has the project helped facing the emergency of Covid-19? : 
It was really important to support students in their personal development, to make them feel closer with each other, with the teachers and students who in Europe was suffering from the same situation. It was an innovative and challenging way to teach English, to deal with eSafety. Students aged 10 were really motivated to learn English, to take part into the activities , to interact with their partners in the forum or to choose the logo for the project.