Teaching With Europeana

Nome dell'ente che lo ha realizzato /ORGANIZATION/INSTITUTE PRESENTING THE PROJECT: *: 
Dan Matei
Paese/ Country: 
Città/ City: 
Descrizione del progetto/Describe the project : 
I am History / Geography teacher at Pui Gymnasium School, Hunedoara County, Romania. I am part of the European Schoolnet working group http://www.eun.org/ as part of the Europeana DSI 4 project, where we create and implement classroom teaching using the platform @ Europeana.eu. DSI - Europeana Digital Service Infrastructure https://pro.europeana.eu/project/europeana-dsi-4 Purpose of activities: Current educational approaches require the use of online tools that become sources of learning and training for both students and teachers. Within the Europeana DSI-4 project, 130 teachers from 11 countries are involved. In Romania 10 teachers and a group coordinator were selected. Our role in this team is to encourage teachers from Romania to integrate Europeana resources within the course hours by offering them models of online teaching projects hosted by the platform @ Europeana.eu. For example, teachers can find on the Europeana blog a catalog of learning scenarios, including Europeana resources. In addition, the blog offers stories of how resources are implemented in classes by teachers using their own scenarios or those of other colleagues. The platform @ Europeana.eu offers millions of resources from all fields that can turn the course hours into a virtual journey in the history of humanity. Europeana is a digital platform that offers free access to over 57 million resources from European museums, archives and libraries. The purpose of the platform is to preserve the European cultural heritage. https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/about-teaching-with-europeana/ Originality and creativity of the project: Both students and teachers can explore on the Europeana site, 57 million works of art, artifacts, books, video and audio recordings from all over Europe. Results / impact of the activity at the student level: The issues addressed in the project were: homophobia, protecting the rights of students and combating racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Link to didactic projects implemented at the Pui Gymnasium School: https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/learning-scenarios/globalization-national-and-european-identity-ls-ro-30/ http://blogs.eun.org/teachwitheuropeana/files/2019/04/Europeana-DSI-4-Learning-Scenario-Matei-Dan-Romania_v2.pdf https://app.wand.education/view/572c54d2fe39b767/?id=572c54d2fe39b767 https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/stories-of-implementation/implementation-of-letters-and-postcards-from-war-times-soi-ro-48/ Relevance of the activity / project / best practice for the needs of the categories of students at risk: - promoting intercultural dialogue; Use of open space educational resources; Involving other actors in the school or in the community in the design / development / evaluation of the activity / project / good practice: - favors the continuous training of the teachers from the Romanian school by offering methods of good educational practices; The possibility to transfer the project / activity / good practice in other contexts where we meet the same categories of needs: - For four years (2016 - 2018 and 2018 - 2020), within the Europeana project DSI 3 and DSI 4, 130 teachers from 11 European countries create learning scenarios to use the cultural heritage materials from the European platform in the classrooms . Other colleagues' scenarios are also implemented and their stories about implementation are shared. Link to the project web page: https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/
Categoria del progetto/Project category : 
Educazione fino ai 15 anni/Up to 15 years
Link al video di presentazione/Link to the presentation video: 
In che modo il progetto usa le tecnologie in modo innovativo/Use of technologies ...: 
- promoting intercultural dialogue; Use of open space educational resources;
Indicare gli elementi di innovazione del progetto:/ What are the technological aspects of the project?: 
- For four years (2016 - 2018 and 2018 - 2020), within the Europeana project DSI 3 and DSI 4, 130 teachers from 11 European countries create learning scenarios to use the cultural heritage materials from the European platform in the classrooms . Other colleagues' scenarios are also implemented and their stories about implementation are shared.
Quali sono gli aspetti tecnologici del progetto?What are the technological aspects of the project?: 
Use of open space educational resources;
Con quanti utenti interagisce il progetto?/How many users does the project interact with? : 
130 teachers and 2000 students
Il progetto è già stato replicato? /Has the project already been replicated? : 
130 teachers from 11 European countries create learning scenarios to use the cultural heritage materials from the European platform in the classrooms . Other colleagues' scenarios are also implemented and their stories about implementation are shared.
Quali sono le aspettative future?/What are future expectations?: 
The project continues until 2020
Tipologia dell'ente/Kind of organization: 