GJC 2012 Numbers

Over 400 projects have been submitted to the GJC exhibition-event-competition. The 81 finalist projects come from 19 countries.
The GJC jury is composed by 51 experts in innovation and social inclusion.
School and third sector will come together for the Fair of Solidary Creativity13 cooperation laboratories on the millennium objectives.
Two important debates dedicated to students and teachers, an  international networking session with 13 countries and 15 awardsthat will be presented at the final Awards Ceremony at the Rome City Hall, the Campidoglio, including the President of the Republic Award to the six most innovative Italian schools.
The  “Il Mondo in piazza” musical evening will feature a concert by 5 bands and international artists.
The Global Junior Challenge will be held in Rome (17-19 October) at theDon Gioacchino Rey SchoolCittà Educativa and at the Campidoglio