Tipologia dell'ente/Kind of organization: 
Nome dell'ente che lo ha realizzato/Organization-institute presenting the project: 
ANNPCAN - African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Chile Abuse and Neglect
Paese/ Country: 
Descrizione del progetto/Describe the project : 
The Covid-19 global pandemic has adversely affected growth of economies and progression of various developments almost in all spheres of the world. African Network for Protection and Prevention against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN) Malawi chapter devised a project aimed at ensuring inclusive quality education service delivery. During the first wave of Covid-19, the Malawi Government imposed restrictions in what was named partial lockdown. School were closed, public gatherings were banned including religious congregations. The closure of schools led to the spate of teenage pregnancies and child marriages as a research by a reputable organization called Oxfamuncovered that in every hour a girl child was being impregnated in Mangochi. This challenge rocked every district and region in Malawi. These statistical findings raised concerns on the long-term consequences of the challenge (Teenage Pregnancies and Child Marriages). Through Economic lens people were envisaging Malawi with high illiteracy levels more especially among the youths thereby rendering a significant chunk of the population less productive thus slowing social economic development. Concerned with such prospects ANPPCAN crafted a project with focus on motivating young mothers who happens to be Covid-19 victims to go back to school and proceed with their studies. The project involves holding focus group discussions with various stakeholders be it victims (teen mothers), teachers, Parents as well as Community leaders to create a conducive environment for such girls to resume their studies. In addition, project seeks to engage various students such as Students living with various physical disabilities, Students living with Albinism, girls and boys with the aim of fighting stigma and discrimination among students that can impinge continuation of schools by teen mothers and physically challenged groupings. Furthermore, ANPPCAN through the project engages community leaders to formulate bylaws in their communities to ensure that parents with teen mothers and physically challenged children send their young ones back to school failing which they are punished with community service tasks. This has led to the increase of teen mothers and physically challenged mothers in schools. Again, the project facilitated minded set clean-up session for teen mothers and physically challenged learners. In these sessions teachers in their respective schools were trained to create special classes for teen mothers and physically challenged students aside from normal classes with the aim of preparing these disadvantaged students psychologically to focus on their education not their physical status. This initiatives have seen teen mothers and physically challenged learners being best performers in some of the targeted schools.
Categoria del progetto/Project category : 
Educazione fino ai 18 anni/Up to 18 years
Uso delle tecnologie / Use of technologies: 
In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project amid Covid-19, ANNPCAN innovatively created WhatsApp forums for various stakeholders to be reporting cases of child marriages and teenage pregnancies and the problems they are experiencing in dealing with the same in their areas. WhatsApp has been elected as the main platform because it is preferably cheaper, commonly and friendly used tool of communication across the country, both in urban and rural settings. Again, WhatsApp can be used by both literate and illiterate through the use of Voice Notes (VN) by those who are challenged intellectually. Equally important is the use of Short Message Service (SMS) to complement the WhatsApp in engaging these stakeholders.
Indicare gli elementi di innovazione del progetto / What are the innovative aspects of the project?: 
Aware of the sociocultural background of the territories in which the project is implemented, ANNPCAN decide to develop an innovative motivational strategy. Thus, the project awards best performers in various schools and offers scholarships to teen mothers who gets selected to various secondary schools and Universities. Along the same veins, teachers who are doing best in treating these students psychologically in good manner are re-awarded.
Con quanti utenti interagisce il progetto?/How many users does the project interact with? : 
The project involves holding focus group discussions with various stakeholders be it victims (550 teen mothers), 60 teachers, 350 Parents as well as 90 Community leaders to create a conducive environment for such girls to resume their studies. In addition, project seeks to engage various students such as 1000 Students living with various physical disabilities, 90 Students living with Albinism, 700 primary school girls and 700 primary school boys with the aim of fighting stigma and discrimination among students that can impinge continuation of schools by teen mothers and physically challenged groupings.
Di quali mezzi o canali si avvale il progetto?/Which media or channels does the project use?: 
Main channels are the online channels of the projcet in different social media platform and the NGO's website. Morevover, for the implementation of the activities, Whatsapp has been elected as the mail channel for the above-mentioned reasons.
Il progetto è già stato replicato? /Has the project already been replicated? : 
Yes, the project has been already replicated in several schools across the country, such the ones in the territories of Kankhomba and Chisawani.
Quali sono le aspettative future?/What are future expectations?: 
ANPPCAN expect to create a platform where the communities will be sharing best practices through Face book and Whatsapp Groups. ANPPCAN also expects advocacy for policies that eliminates early and forced marriages.
Durata progetto/project duration: 
1 year (December 2020 - December 2021)
Risultati ottenuti/Results: 
Results so Far (14/01/2021): -Partnership with the District Assemblies in the formulation of the by-laws -350 young mother re-admitted in 70 primary Schools across Malawi -230 parents trained on good parenting
Cognome del coordinatore del progetto/project coordinator surname : 
Nome del coordinatore del progetto/project coordinator name : 
Il Progetto ha contribuito ad affrontare la pandemia da Covid-19? / Has the project helped facing the emergency of Covid-19? : 
In Malawi just like any other countries schools were closed due to Covid-19 from 23rd March to 12th October. The government has re-opened schools on the 15th September to allow graduating classes and final years students to start classes but the official opening date for all classes remains 12th October. The ministry of gender has reported that the period when the schools were closed COVID-19 related teenage pregnancies have been so high. It was reported that in Mangochi District (Eastern region of Malawi) alone, there is a rise in teenage pregnancies by 1000 compared to the same period last year with 166 cases being girls aged between 10 and 14. The closure of schools led to the spate of teenage pregnancies and child marriages as a research by a reputable organization called Oxfam uncovered that in every hour a girl child was being impregnated in Mangochi. In Phalombe, 1000 girls are pregnant, in Mzimba 400 and in Nsanje 324 girls are pregnant due to the Covid-19 mandatory holiday. 82 pregnancies have been registered compared to Nchinji 58, Kasungu 20 and Blantyre 64. Blantyre police has reported 4 arrest 1 woman and 3 men involved in child marriage related cases. Amendment in by Parliament in 2017 provides for 18 years as marriage age and removed 14 years as consent age hence all the cases involving girls less than 18 years are prosecutable. It is against this background that ANPPCAN Malawi Chapter is running a project to promote awareness on the dangers of early child and forced marriages that have occurred during the Covid-19 mandatory holiday in Malawi. Moreover, in efforts to improve access of quality education service delivery amid Covid-19 global pandemic, ANPPCAN through this project distributed Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE), soap, sanitizers and water buckets in various schools. Therefore strictly adhering to covid-19 prevention measures are awarded thereby incentivizing the Covid-19 prevention process as both students and learners are protected from the global pandemic their ensuring equal access to quality education.