Describe the results achieved by your project How do you measure (parameters) these. (max. 2000 characters):
<p>This project has enabled pupils to develop a number of 21st century competences: communication skills, interpersonal skills, intellectual skills, collective problem solving skills, cooperation, digital competence It involved all students actively in the learning process by stimulating their interest, creativity and motivation. allowing them a variety of experiences. The planned targets were met positively by the majority of pupils. The learning/teaching process improved, reaching higher results. The activities were continuously monitored through: observation of social behavior and cognitive, which take into account the level of participation, commitment, personal responsibility and mutual support in the various activities; conversations and discussions to see the changes that this experience has made compared to previous knowledge, the degree of awareness achieved by pupils with the proposed topics and learning strategies used; peer to peer review: final product. The experience was also positive for the teachers . They had the chance to experience new and exciting ways to interact with each other and met to discuss new teaching methods. enriching and growing professionally. Thanks to their mediation and the sharing of work done, they were organized meetings with the school community, the whole school community has benefited. The results were shared with the whole schools and some other classes not involved directly in the project also took part, spreading the project to other classes and teachers (for example in citizenship lessons). The project was also presented in the school blogs and the school magazine printed every month in school, so it reached all the members of school: students, teachers, parents and families.</p>
How many users interact with your project monthly and what are the preferred forms of interaction? (max. 500 characters):
The project involved teachers and students from partners school, parents ( Italy), Teachers and students communicate and cooperate using ICT tools (email, videoconferences, eTwinning twinspace). The eTwinning twinspace gave the opportunity to the different project partners to stay in constant contact and keep constantly updated on the implementation of the various activities and progresses made, as well as to share ideas and materials. Apart from that, the relationship between the teachers involved has been continuous sending emails several days a week so the contact has been very close.